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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

HAPPY Things!

"A happy heart does good like medicine..." Proverbs 17:22

As I am mentally and physically preparing for Jack, I have been on the go so much and my mind has been all over the place.  I've found myself stressing a little bit by trying to be prepared for every possible situation that could arise before, during, and after our trip to Korea. I know, perfectionism is the devil!  Recently, though, God reminded me that I should focus on other things. :)
Just the other day, I was informed of a couple that had just become pregnant after years of infertility and other struggles, and I was so overjoyed for them.  Although I am not in their shoes exactly, I was reminded of what that used to feel like to want something so bad for so many years. The pain and hurt rushed back to me as I reflected on our five and half year journey to Jack. We had been through so much and all of the sudden it's gone!?  On one hand, it is a great thing that God has answered our prayers and taken this pain away, but on the other hand, I couldn't believe how easy it was for me to forget that pain! Here I have been going around my house preparing it for a child! I have a nursery! I talk to my husband about ''Jack," our son!! At one time, we thought this was NEVER going to happen for us. But here we are, turning the page of one chapter of our life and a new one is about to come. I'm so thankful that God took time again to remind me of our blessing of infertility and how He brought us our Jack. He has renewed my spirit and given me a happy heart!
Because of this realization, I have starting looking at things a little different lately. These are things I never thought I would ever see around my house and they make me smile...


  1. What a happy home with such loving parents Jack is about to come home to! I can't wait to see pictures of him in your arms. It is a beautiful thing to see such sadness turned to rejoicing!!

  2. I love seeing all of your preparations for Jack! I too see my infertility as a blessing now. If God had answered my prayer of getting pregnant I wouldn't have my Lukas and I just can't bear the thought of him not being my son. Only our amazing God could turn something so painful into something so beautiful!
